Frequently asked questions.

What differentiates you from other realtors in Halifax, Nova Scotia?

We take pride in our dedication to our clients, our innovative marketing services, and our engagement with the community. We are not just focused on buying and selling - we aim to provide a comprehensive, personalized service that takes the stress out of the real estate process and helps you make decisions that are right for you.

What does your exclusive listing strategy entail?

Our exclusive listing strategy means we provide a full suite of services catered specifically to listing and selling your property. This includes a comprehensive market analysis, professional photography and videography, strategic pricing, home staging consultation, home pre-inspection, wide-reaching advertising, negotiation with buyers, and managing all the paperwork and legalities of the sale.

Tell me about working with Team Brouwer from a buyer’s perspective.

Working with our Team Brouwer will make your home-buying process as smooth and stress-free as possible. We take the time to understand your needs, preferences, and budget, provide expert guidance throughout the process, show you homes that match your criteria, negotiate the best price, and ensure all legal and paperwork are handled properly.

How do you determine the listing price for my home?

We conduct a comprehensive market analysis which includes recent sales of similar properties, current market conditions, and the unique characteristics of your home. Our goal is to set a price that reflects the true value of your property while ensuring it's competitive in the market.

How long have you been working in the real estate industry?

We have been involved in the real estate industry for over 25 years. In that time, we've gained a deep understanding of the Halifax & Bedford real estate market, and have helped over 1500 clients successfully buy and sell homes.

How do professional photo and video tours enhance the listing of my property?

Professional photo and video tours let potential buyers explore your property from the comfort of their homes. This means your property is open for 'viewing' 24/7, reaching a wider audience, and attracting more potential buyers. Our video tours are crafted to tell the unique story of your home and paint a picture of what it will be like for potential buyers to live there.

Can you describe your mail-out marketing strategy?

Our mail-out marketing strategy involves sending out carefully designed postcards to a wide area of potential buyers. This traditional marketing approach complements our digital efforts, creating a broad, multi-channel campaign that effectively markets your property.

Peter answers the web’s most searched real estate questions.